Willow Creek hosted the FILO conference recently and I had the opportunity to share some of our lighting learnings from the Global Leadership Summit 2017. What you are about to read is what I wrote to present from at FILO. This is by no means an article full of specifications, power draw, or DMX channels, […]
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Laser Etching Microphones
A few years ago we went through an awful experience where 7 of our mics were stolen from our Main Auditorium. Thankfully, the individual was caught and the mics were returned. Out of that painful experience, we set about figuring out how to track our mics just like we do any other piece of gear. […]
Continue readingMore TagCommunicating With Your End Users
A main element of the Systems Team at Willow’s job is to maintain gear in our venues and train users when needed. Since we operate as Engineers on Call (EOC) during services and events, much of our feedback on how users interact with our systems comes in the form of helpdesk tickets or calls to […]
Continue readingMore TagFAQ: Production Headsets
We often get asked what comm headsets our production team uses for our events and services. Ask no more! Sensaphonics makes an earpiece called the TC1000. It runs about $600 (not including cost for in-ear molds and visit to an audiologist) and is an ear saver. Why do we use this? Great question! When over the […]
Continue readingMore TagStage Managers are Super Heroes by Glenn Davis
If you were to ask people attending a weekend service or event, “When or how did a live scene change on stage in the dark?” Most people would not have a clue. Unnoticed and in charge of more things than anyone else in a live production, is one of the most valuable production individuals on […]
Continue readingMore TagConquer your Production and Programming Challenges
It is an extremely large undertaking and responsibility toward making the right decisions in creating an incredible Christ transformational, life changing moment for anyone who attends weekend services, outreaches and events. This requires an enormous amount of coordination from our production and programing departments with lots of orchestrating behind the scenes toward preparation and planning. […]
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