In October of 2017, we began major construction on our children’s spaces, which meant changing around some rooms to keep Promiseland operating. This meant transforming our main overflow venue from being a space for 800-1000 people to view service to being a secure space to hold 600 kids. That meant we needed to do some […]
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Preparing for a Lighting Load In
A part of my role here at Willow is designing and installing many large lighting rigs every year. With large-scale production like at Willow, lighting rigs can get very complicated very fast. In order to minimize unnecessary complications and maximize efficiency, I have developed a process to help prepare for and lead lighting load-ins for large […]
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Willow’s Production Systems Team’s job is to maintain all of the audio, video, and lighting gear throughout the building. The scope of this is pretty massive. With all of the usage that our gear receives among various volunteers and personnel, stuff breaks. It’s inevitable. The good news is that we’ve got a web-based helpdesk ticketing system […]
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Many of our conference rooms and classrooms around Willow have aging 4:3 SD projectors and wall plates fitted with VGA inputs from times gone by. We’ve been swapping out these projectors and VGA infrastructures with wall-mounted TV’s that are fitted with HDMI infrastructure. Each time we install another TV, something pops up that helps us […]
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