We’ve tried VidCAD and Visio, but Visio lacked the features that we wanted & VidCAD was very complicated. So, several years ago we tried out WireCAD as is was a true CAD wiring software with a fairly easy learning curve. We like it because it had a reasonable price, easy to use, online tutorials, great support and the best feature was the ease in building equipment blocks. WireCAD is a true wiring schematic software program. Sure, it can open any DWG file, but it’s main use is for wiring signal flow diagrams. We started out making easy signal flow drawings, and now we do al lour system documentation inside WireCAD. It keeps things organized , creates cable labels, does rack elevations and even patchbay layouts. I would say that it’s not as easy to use as Visio, but onc eyou get the hang of signal flow and how everything flows from left to right and from outputs to inputs, then you can start creating documents fairly easy. Here’s a link to their website: www.wirecad.com